Electrolytes at the nanoscale: a field theory description

Electrolytes at the nanoscale: a field theory description

Electrolytes at the nanoscale: a field theory description

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The study of nanoconfined electrolytes is exciting both for their ubiquity and for the
theoretical challenge they bring. The nanometer scale represents typical confinement size
of technological and biological devices, screening length of low concentrated ionic
solutions, and range at which water starts to behave as an inhomogeneous medium.
The structure of interfacial solutions is thus a subtle interplay between short-range charge
overscreening generated by the solvent, ion-ion correlations, water- and ion-surface
interactions. In this work, we develop continuous models to capture the electrostatic
structure of water and electrolytes at the molecular scale. We use simulations to extract essential building blocks for the field theory modelling these system. We discuss the description and effects of the confinements on these solutions. We conclude on the limits and robustness of macroscopic equations such as Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

Contact: Antoine Carof

Informations complémentaires

Auteur - Hélène Berthoumieux (ESPCI — Paris, France)

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Date et heure

19 juin 2023 @ 10:30 AM

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