Nematic shells: curvature- and topology-induced effects

Nematic shells:  curvature- and topology-induced effects

Nematic shells: curvature- and topology-induced effects

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Nematic order on  curved surfaces represents an intriguing field to explore, motivated by mathematical elegance and applications in condensed matter. We provide and discuss expressions of effective free energy (per unit area) consistent with the classical vector (Frank theory) and tensor (Landau-de Gennes theory) theories of 3D liquid crystals. The dimensional reduction process highlights the coupling between the nematic order parameter (whether vector or tensor) and the extrinsic curvature of the shell. In the context of 2D tensor theory, we address the problem of nematic texture tangent to a spherical surface and the location of topological defects (melting points). 

Contact : Sébastien Fumeron

Informations complémentaires

Auteur - Gaetano Napoli (Università del Salento, Lecce)

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Date et heure

02 février 2023 @ 10:30 AM

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