Features of thermal transport in the systems with important solid/liquid interfaces

Features of thermal transport in the systems with important solid/liquid interfaces

Features of thermal transport in the systems with important solid/liquid interfaces

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Understanding thermal transport in systems with a well-developed solid-liquid interface is essential to cover thermal management issues arising in various green energy mining and storage devices. Such understanding should rely on the existing experimental data and the results of the simulations.
The current seminar will discuss experimental results concerning the thermal transport properties of the complex nanocomposite media formed by porous silicon filled with liquids. The porous silicon represents very nice systems with a highly dense surface area; from this point of view, it is an excellent system for investigation of the impact of the interface on the perturbation of thermal transport.
Such experimental investigations serve as an engine for the atomistic simulations to gain physical insight concerning features of thermal transport across the solid/liquid interface. The classical equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations were used to simulate thermal transport in the nanoporous hybrid media. These simulations allow the development of models and patterns for linking micro-scale simulations and real-scale experiments.

Contact: Mariachiara Pastore

Informations complémentaires

Auteur - Mykola Isaiev (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine)

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Date et heure

27 juin 2023 @ 02:30 PM

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